Upgrading; Need help!


Jun 13, 2014
Hey guys! I'm VeBz from India!

I am looking for a good Entry Level/ Somewhat good, easy on the budget rig which can run next gen games at 60FPS with maxed-out settings. My Budget is somewhere around: ~35-42k INR ($570-$680)
So this is something I've settled down upon, though people tell me it won't be able to really achieve a solid, static 60FPS, hence I am here.
Alright, all the prices here are in Indian Rupees. I am sorry, just too lazy 😛 :
GPU: Sapphire Radeon R9 270X OC 2GB DDR5- 15k
CPU: AMD 3.5 GHz FX 8320 (Black Edition)- 11k
MoBo: ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0 - 5.5k
PSU: Corsair CX430 430Watts - 3k
RAM: Corsair Value 8x1 C11 - 5.5k
Cabinet: Some random one, doesn't matter much 2k
Total is about 41k.
Can you suggest me something better? Be sure that it stays in the price range, doesn't matter if it goes up by a few thousand bucks, but remember; 'A FEW'!
Thank you guys in advance!

INB4 EVERYTHING: Everything above is in INR, I hope you don't mind!

Get the corsair vs 550 (rs.3000/-)vs is actually better than the crappy cx series of corsair and 430 watt is a bit low for the card.
Pc cabinet does matter when you are putting a gpu in it should have enough space for the card the card you are getting is 9 inches in length so the case must have at least 10 inches of GPU clearance enough ventilation to avoid overheating so 1 front intake fan ,1 rear exhaust fan and 1 top exhaust fan at least. .

Hope this helps feel free to ask anything.
Thank you for replying, can you suggest me some cabinet as such? I don't mind spending a bit more on the cabinet, like about <4k because then it would be a bit over the budget, where I could still fit in. I'll keep the PSU in mind, other than that will the rig be enough to run games like W_D at atleast 55-60FPS with everything maxed out?
For that budget you will not be able to play new or "next gen" games at full settings at 60 fps.

Also the power supply is the main thing that keeps your system stable. If you get a cheap one, you may get stability issues, especially with a gaming card.

What you have for CPU and video card in your budget you can get to Medium on just about any game and would be at 30-40 frames in some of the more demanding games.

If you really want to be ready for future games, and you want over 40 fps at High or max settings, you need about a $1,000 system.

Sorry i dont completely agree with you r9 270x is sufficient for modern games my friend has r9 270x and he plays every game at ultra settings with decent fps.
there are few games like watch dogs and metro last light for which he have to adjust the msaa settings and shadows but except that the card is very good.




I disagree as well. The card is fairly future proof and can deliver, according to reviews, 30-45FPS at maxed out settings.
Also, is this cabinet any good?
So I was watching the specs of my card: (http://www.flipkart.com/sapphire-amd-ati-radeon-r9-270x-boost-oc-2-gb-ddr5-graphics-card/p/itmdtp5j69ssu9gj?pid=GRCDTP5J69SSU9GJ&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=sapphire+radeon+r9+270x&ref=b86ea2ba-e2f8-4cfd-a6e7-29e45dd087b2)
And it said it requires a 600W power supply.
Does that mean that I'd need a 600w+ PSU to run it?
I immediately looked for one, and found a pretty decent one. (http://www.flipkart.com/corsair-vs650-650-watt-psu/p/itmdg36xznfnesye?pid=PSUDG347RBUYNCFK&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=vs650&ref=cc058425-0c30-4958-9844-cc3e1b8a2acc)
Would this do?
The card has a maximum TDP of 170 watt and can run on a good 500 watt PSU with 24 amps or higher (total system included). Flipkart has mentioned 600 watt psu because if you have a crappy PSU with low amps in 12+ volt rail then the higher wattage will cover it but 650 watt is not needed for r9 270x.

if you want your can get a 650 watt PSU but 550 watt is more than enough for your system as i have said the card has a max TDP of 170 watt http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/03/10/amd_radeon_r9_270x_270_video_card_review/11#.VDj6LMmZ5co so while gaming the max system will draw is around 400 watt so you will still left with 150 watt of free headroom.
i will say the extra 1k you are going to spend on PSU spend than on few extra fans for the case you will need that.

If it is for fans, I don't think money would be a problem as long it is 1or 2k. Also, the GPU itself has 2 fans, and my cabinet has a filter mesh fan at the back. So shouldn't I already be good? Unless of course, I buy a fan to fit on the side door so the hot air can move out easily from the GPU
Agreed, but would that setup work with the coolmaster cabinet you suggested? (http://www.flipkart.com/cooler-master-k281-mid-tower-cabinet/p/itmdmhz9agn5fqat?pid=CABDMHZ8DCTWSGFA&otracker=from-search&srno=t_2&query=Mid+Tower+Cabinet&ref=15d90e0f-1e83-46ea-b257-f2efb1bd56c6)
Also, I don't know anything at all about fans, so a little help? I would be grateful if you gave me some flipkart links :)
Would I really need an extra fan, though? I have already one front fan and one rear exhaust preinstalled in the cabinet. Also, I've 2 fans on the GPU.
If I buy a cooler for the CPU, I can make the side door work as an exhaust, right? Would that work?
Alright. Now that my the rig is somewhat determined, what do you guys think should be the ideal time to buy it?
Is it okay if I just go for it right now? Or wait for sometime, like you've to with consoles? Sorry, I am very new to this computer-gaming community 😛