Upgrading Radeon HD 6850 Need Advice


Nov 25, 2012
I am looking to upgrade from my Radeon HD 6850 to something, well a bit more powerful. I really want to run three screens, and from my research that means dual graphics cards. The most ill spend per card is $250. The computer will be primarily used for gaming, although I will be attending college next year so who knows what that will bring. My current rig-
Motherboard- Gigabyte GA-990FX-UD3
GPU- Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 1GB
Ram- 8GB(2x4GB)
Power Supply-500W(although I am upgrading soon)
CPU- AMD FX-6100 Zambezi(although I bought the AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0 GHz yesterday so I will be installing that as soon as it comes in.)
If anyone can provide any advice or help it would be much appreciated. Thanks, Austin.

If you want to run 3 monitors you probably wont be getting max settings without 2 cards. However, getting crossfire or SLI causes stuttering issues because of the drivers. I see 2 options for you:
I recommend this one. Getting a 7970ghz edition. Its a beast woth lots of bandwidth. Perfect for triple monitor. You will probably achieve high or very high on planetside 2, bioshock infinite, battlefield 3 and other less graphically demanding games.
You will get medium to high settings on games like crysis 3 amd metro 2033 that are super demanding.

Crossfire 7870 MYST (XT)
This gives you the crossfire issues that I talked about. They are good cards. Fairly good bandwidth. Will be able to handle it. You will probably get higher framerates but with the stutter issues i think it will be less smooth.

Both of these willstay under your $500 total budget

I wouldn't go with crossfire because of the frame time variances and lag. He could get two gtx 650 ti boosts though : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127728