upgrading win7 editions


May 15, 2013
so i installed a new motherboard and i now need to reinstall windows. is it possible to use the windows 7 upgrade option and use the same edition (professional) instead of doing a format and losing my files? or do i have to backup files to a new drive and do a fresh install. thanks!
If you are installing the same version - it should allow you to do the "upgrade" where it renames your windows directory and keeps all files on the hard drive.

i have tried booting up with new motherboard and cpu, but i keep getting a blue screen. but i haven't booted up with the new driver discs in

Then in your case you will have to reload windows.


But for any operation like this, you really, really need to have your personal data backup elsewhere and offline, just in case.
It might work, or it might not.

If it works, great.
But if it doesn't, I don't want to read a post from you asking how to get your data back after an accidental format, or powerloss during the install, or whatever else might have gone wrong.