Question uphere fans, how to know the positive/negative/ground-neutral

Jun 16, 2024
I bought cheap fans to dry eggs on plates (I have a farm), so not quite the usage one would expect on this forum but I don't know where else to ask ;-) The fans work fine in a computer, no need to cut the chord open. But I had to do this for the eggs.
Problem is, I can't tell of the three cables, which does what, and if I'm wrong I invert the negative and positive, the fan will die instantly, it happened many times before by mistake, so I'm plugging **** [Moderator edit to remove profanity. Remember that this is a family friendly forum.] without advice this time.
All info I have on the box is X00165C8SD, I see no model number. I can photograph the cables if you need, there are stuff written but it's both incredibly small (won't show on a picture) and meaningless to me.
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Computer fans are intended to cool the internal components of a computer.

How are the fans being powered? You need a DC power source - likely 12 volts.

For the most part the fan's connector pins ( 3 or 4) are standardized. But can and do vary.


You will need to refer to the fan documentation and/or manufacturer's website in order identify the applicable fan pins.

= = = =

That all said - what is the meaning of "dry eggs on plates"?

Do you mean just get the moisture off of the shell after the egg is laid or washed?

Or the egg has been opened/cooked or something?

In any case, I would not expect the fans to last very long. Or why computer fans would be used to begin with?

Why not just use a small regular fan?
You say, "The fans work fine in a computer". So in the computer, exactly where do you plug the fan in? Does a fan plug into a standard mobo fan header, or are you connecting it to a control box supplied by UpHere with the fans?