underground221 :
ekagori :
underground221 :
ekagori :
If it you can't seem to find a short, try to start your system with just one stick of ram installed, see if it's faulty ram. If it boots up, then rma your ram. If it doesn't, try to remove your gpu and run onboard graphics. Try to narrow down the cause, btw, what are the rest of your system specs?
I just tried to boot with 1 stick of Ram then 1 ram and no graphic card but no luck. My graphic card lights only light up when in the motherboard. is my Power supply not generating enough power?
I doubt it's the power supply, especially a new seasonic platinum, but you can't rule it out either. Only way to test it is with proper equipment. Do you have another psu to test with? I'm leaning towards something not being connected properly to your motherboard or your cpu actually died, which is very rare. Try checking all your connections again, make sure your heatsink is properly installed as well. If you have another pair of ram sticks try those, also try using the other set of ram slots. Could be a dead slot, perhaps from a sudden power spike.
i can try my friends powersupply who has a identical system to mine but he's weary about it and do you really think my cpu could have died even when working yesterday and with my old mother board last week ? it has the stock intel cooler on it and the tempertures never hit 60. This is realley buming me out since it was working so nicely the first time around. Can you explain why my motherboard powerbuttons and little screen do not light up or no?
Ok, good you mention the motherboard lights not working, if you did I didn't pick up on it. That rules out cpu, it means the board is not getting any power at all. Your gpu lights up because it is being powered by the pci-e power adapters coming from the psu.
Check to make sure the 24pin adapter is secured to your board, try another psu to rule that out, otherwise something did short your board. You're going to need to go through all the spots to make sure no metal is touching your board.