Edit: This was copied and pasted from another forum that I had uploaded to. It's now been about 3 hours since this happened.
I was modding an Xbox 360. (RGH). It requires soldering a chip and a few wires and reading/writing to a nand with another chip. I had just wrote to the name and turned it on (after disconnecting the nand write/reader) and I start to smell smoke then crackling. After a few seconds, I came to my senses and turned it off by the mains and then unplugged the power supply from the Xbox (should I have kept it in to ground it?
The motherboard was lying on a CGP revision book (look it up just so you know what material it is) to stop it from contacting my carpet. I think the glossy front of the book stopped it from spreading as i didn't see any fire.
I don't know what to do. I bavent done anything since then apart from disconnecting the HDMI cable from the monitor side. Should I lift it up? How - I don't want to get shocked? Is the walk outlet ok (UK)? Is the power supply ok? Is my monitor that was connected via HDMI ok? How should I dispose of it?
I know that this was very stupid and I should've practiced better safety. I'm gonna find a new hobby lol.
I had used rubbing alcohol (which is flammable) to clean up flux but I wiped it off with a tissue after. I also had a wire that was loosely connected (i was just trying to get it barely working, once I knew it was, I would tweak it and solder the wires better) because I ducked up the point where it was meant to be soldered so I exposed the tracer and (poorly) connected it there.
Is it safe to touch it (without the power connected)? Should I plug it back into the power supply so that any current can go to the ground in the wall socket?
I was modding an Xbox 360. (RGH). It requires soldering a chip and a few wires and reading/writing to a nand with another chip. I had just wrote to the name and turned it on (after disconnecting the nand write/reader) and I start to smell smoke then crackling. After a few seconds, I came to my senses and turned it off by the mains and then unplugged the power supply from the Xbox (should I have kept it in to ground it?
The motherboard was lying on a CGP revision book (look it up just so you know what material it is) to stop it from contacting my carpet. I think the glossy front of the book stopped it from spreading as i didn't see any fire.
I don't know what to do. I bavent done anything since then apart from disconnecting the HDMI cable from the monitor side. Should I lift it up? How - I don't want to get shocked? Is the walk outlet ok (UK)? Is the power supply ok? Is my monitor that was connected via HDMI ok? How should I dispose of it?
I know that this was very stupid and I should've practiced better safety. I'm gonna find a new hobby lol.
I had used rubbing alcohol (which is flammable) to clean up flux but I wiped it off with a tissue after. I also had a wire that was loosely connected (i was just trying to get it barely working, once I knew it was, I would tweak it and solder the wires better) because I ducked up the point where it was meant to be soldered so I exposed the tracer and (poorly) connected it there.
Is it safe to touch it (without the power connected)? Should I plug it back into the power supply so that any current can go to the ground in the wall socket?