Usable Memory dropped after installing a new graphics card


May 27, 2016
I have a Windows PC for over 3 years with 16 GB RAM. I upgraded my graphics card from a nVidia 460 GTX to a 760 GTX and now Windows System Control Panel reports “Installed memory: 16.0 GB (usable: 7.99 GB)”. Also, Task Manager reports Physical Memory 8183 MB.

Looking at Control Panel -> Video -> Screen Resolution -> Advanced Properties, I can see:
Total Available Graphics Memory: 4096 MB
Dedicated Video Memory: 2048 MB
System Video Memory: 0 MB
Shared System Memory: 2048 MB

Not sure if those things are related… Maybe the video card is trying to get some shared memory from the system and even though it gets only 2 GB, the usable memory drops to 8 GB. Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

I tried some things like running msconfig -> system startup -> advanced options -> checking Max Memory and setting 16384 and rebooting, then unchecking and rebooting. Also, tried to look at the motherboard BIOS for some memory setting but found nothing. I guess the memory chips themselves are fine or Windows would not report “Installed memory 16 GB”. CPU-Z diagnostic program also reports Memory Size as 16 GBytes.

Some details about my build:
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64-bit SP1 (Build 7601)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz
Memory: 4 x 4GB DDR3 Corsair PC3-10700H (667 MHz)
Video: EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 2 GB
Motherboard: ASUS P7H55

I’m lost here. Do you have any ideas? If you need some extra info, please do ask!
The DRAM Voltage could be raised up to 1.65 V (if not already), any higher voltage may risk damage to the memory unless thoroughly cooled. In any case please don't raise the voltages any further into the "red" zone, otherwise there is the potential of damage to the memory and/or to the memory controller.

Try clearing CMOS.

Try rearranging the memory modules in different slots.

I tried what you suggested, but it didn't work. It was a very nice suggestion, I would've never thought about such a thing, but unfortunately, didn't change the resutls. Thanks a lot anyway.

I tried also increasing the values a bit more, raised DRAM Voltage by 0.10 and then 0.15 and IMC Voltage by 0.10, but nothing. I'm afraid of raising it any more since the BIOS set the color to red if i raise the IMC a bit more, I guess it is telling me that is unsafe.

Is there any extra steps? Or can I continue raising the values?
thanks again!
The DRAM Voltage could be raised up to 1.65 V (if not already), any higher voltage may risk damage to the memory unless thoroughly cooled. In any case please don't raise the voltages any further into the "red" zone, otherwise there is the potential of damage to the memory and/or to the memory controller.

Try clearing CMOS.

Try rearranging the memory modules in different slots.
This worked for me

Run cmd as administrator
(type cmd in search right click cmd in programs, select second option down)
copy and paste

bcdedit /deletevalue {current} truncatememory

into the command screen
press enter

reboot computer
Job done