Usb 3.0 Driver Slows boot times


Jun 14, 2012
Hi guys. i have a laptop. Been working on optimizing boot times. Found a 10 second gap where my computer is doing nothing. Uninstalling usb 3.0 host driver and hub controller fixes the problem but creates another. I cant use the 3.0 ports anynore. Not even with 2.0 usb. Is there a way to load these friver well after windows has started?

Hers some boot traces if it helps. --- The problem --- After uninstalling usb driver

I think it has something to do with windows kernel power driver. Read something about it will hang other drivers if it isnt codded correctly. Well this is AMD were talking about so...

Anyway if anyone has experience with this or can link to other material. I like booting up it in 20 seconds and i like having all my usb ports. Please help.
Did you use the drivers specifically for your laptop make and Windows version?

Other than making sure you have the correct drivers there you basically only have these options:

1) if a hard drive make sure it's defragged
2) Hibernation is faster than a cold boot for waking
3) SSD's are faster than hard drives (you can CLONE the data)
4) make sure BIOS is up to date
5) use quick boot in the BIOS (disables some POST checks)

back to the driver issue:
1) download the main chipset and USB3 drivers for your laptop
2) Install them
Glad to be here. I have dv6-6c35dx HP. I installed chipset drivers. Mobility package as well but thats more less addon features. Its newest one. I tried 12.3 and 12.4. Well ill see if someone manages accross this thread sometime in the future. 
Ok. It;s hard finding your exact USB 3 controller.

I understand you have a Renesas USB 3 controller, however Renesas used to be NEC?
or something like that (or maybe they are just in a joint venture).

Can you follow this guide and tell us the driver / vender ID of your USB3 controller?

I think you might need a firmware update for your USB 3 controller.

its by Advanced Micro Devices.

Ive installed this driver with AMD Chipset 12-4_vista_win7_32-64_sb package as well as in 12-4_mobility_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc. They work just fine except for the noticeable boot time increase.
making progress here. I was able to enable/disable the driver with devcon using script
start devcon disable AMDUSB30\ROOT_HUB30&VID_1022&PID_7812&REV_0003&SID_358B103C.
It disables the driver to usb 3.0 vs the other device id above post that disable usb 2.0 and 3.0 so im using this one.

Problem now is the driver isnt disabled when i restart my computer but becomes disabled before windows loads. Read something briefly about group policy?? Can someone help me out here because i know nothing about policies or if that will solve my problem. Im using win 7 64 ultimate. My goal is to run this script at startup/shutdown. Auctually id rather have the dirver idsabled until i start the script.
states change the status or configuration of a device, the user must be a member of the Administrators group on the computer. Im administrator not administators. went into safe mode to disable them but it still starts up at boot and disables before logon. if i run enable script next reboot its enable all the way. I want this driver default to disable at every reboot. Windows is headcase I tell ya. any help be much appreciated.
Fixed it but the the way i thought it would need to be done. I added the disable script at shutdown. Even though it loads at boot my times went from 30 secs to 14 so im quite happy. I am not sure why disabling it even though it will load anyways just like i hadn't disabled it my times increased. I really dont care. It works. I've got a few traces to confirm its not some random fluke. here:

if it helps anyone else here are the steppes.
1) to disable drivers you will need devcon. I have 64 bit so i had to download a 640mb package just to get a 50k file. Google devcon.exe if your 32 bit instead and download the small file only.

2)copy devcon.exe from C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\Tools\devcon\amd64 to system32

3) open cmd. type devcon help just to confirm its working for ya.

4) go to device manager. right click on driver then properties. Details tab. dropdown hardware id. copy it to notepad.

5)cmd type devcon disable (rightclick and past hardware id) enter. use enable to enable.

6) open notepad type in start devcon disable hardwareidhere

7) save as disable.bat click on it to see if works

8) Run and enter mmc (MS Management console). Next goto File and chose add/remove snapin, then chose Group Policy. When it then asks which computer chose the default Local Computer. Now under local computer policy select Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Scripts->Shutdown. double cllick and point it toward a batch file or script that contains the commands you want to run
Apparently the USB3 drivers are packaged with the graphics driver. Inconceivable!

I also checked out their website - no actual download for the USB 3 driver (as per above).

I would try installing these beta drivers (note it supports mobility APU/GPUS):

When you go to do the install, do a "custom" install, not the "express" one, and make sure the USB3 drivers are check marked.

If it doesn't work try re-installing the GPU driver from HP - and do the custom install, rather than the express.

I know you already have it "solved", but there has to be a better way than some script.