Question USB 3.0 is troublesome for my wireless mouse ?

Dec 14, 2024
It appears that wireless mice prefer USB 2.0 connections to the mb. Unfortunately, I upgraded my system, and it has only 3.0 or better on it. And yes, my wireless mouse is very erratic when plugged into the mb directly. Currently, I have it on a USB dock, that that seems better, though it's certainly not smooth. But at least it's not jumping all the way across my screen with every movement.

I'm toying with adding four USB 2.0 ports via the mb's 2.0 headers.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?
which mouse are you using? brand and model please
Thanks for the reply! It's the Logitech MX Master 3S. There are a slew of things plugged into my mb: two wireless mice, two wireless keyboards, launch monitor, two swing cameras, touch monitor, microphone, backup disk... and probably something I'm forgetting.
are you using the wireless usb transceiver from logitech or bluetooth?

try the app Logi Options+ to have a look, if firmware updates are available or settings can be changed to improve smoothness
I'm using the wireless USB dongle. I have another mouse that, when on wireless, acts just fine. But this Logitech is very erratic. The Lotitech app says the firmware is up to date...
use an extension cable and place the dongle in sight of the mouse

can you try bluetooth with it? if it´s the same, then it´s faulty
Hmm... my extension cable is an Amazon Basics and it seems to be power only... I'll have to get a data extension... And Bluetooth seems not to work at all. It is not broadcasting a signal when switched to BT... This looks like it's a faulty unit... I'll reach out to Logitech... I was playing with my other wireless one and it seems to work fine...