USB 3 Passthrough Question


Jul 2, 2013
Hi all,
I recently purchased a new case, the Zalman Z11, and knew it had 2 USB front ports. What I also knew is that my motherboard does not have USB 3 headers and that the USB 3 cable in the case is a "passthrough".
I read that to be able to use the front ports you have to buy an adapter that connects to your passthrough and goes outside your case to connect to your rear USB 3 ports.

I really don't want this and wanted to know if there is another method that does not go outside the case, I'm also fine with having USB 2 speeds on the front USB 3 port.

On my motherboard I have 2 places you can insert pins and are named, "USB", one of them is being used for the front USB 2 ports. So I was wondering is there is a cable that connects to those pins and then to the passthrough, therefore allowing me to use the front ports.

Thanks and sorry for the long read!