USB device not being loaded when computer is turned on


Jul 15, 2015
I recently bought a new Scarlett Solo Audio Interface and an Audio-Technica 2050 condenser microphone.

When the microphone & audio interface are plugged into the computer, Windows automatically installs the drivers, makes the *success* sound, and displays that my microphone is connected and working in the "Recording Devices" window when right clicked at the bottom right of the screen.

However, when I restart or turn off/on the computer, the microphone and audio interface no longer shows up in the "recording devices" window. The Mic/AI is also not loaded into any of my computer games, programs like Skype or Abelton, convincing me that the computer just is not registering the equipment.

I then can unplug the USB cord from the audio interface and plug it back in, it takes a few seconds to re-install the drivers (that it just got done doing a few moments ago....) and works fine.

I would rather not have to unplug/plug in the cable every time I use the microphone.

I feel like this might be a mobo/driver setting that I need to tweak but I'm not even sure where to start. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Windows 7
i3-4160 unclocked
MSI z97 Gaming 5 mobo
8gb ram
256gb crucial ssd