When a flash storage device is manufactured, steps are taken to ensure that the device operates reliably and permits the host device (computer, digital camera, PDA, etc.) to access the memory cells; i.e., to store and retrieve data on the flash storage device. These steps, loosely called "formatting," utilize some of the memory cells within the...
When a flash storage device is manufactured, steps are taken to ensure that the device operates reliably and permits the host device (computer, digital camera, PDA, etc.) to access the memory cells; i.e., to store and retrieve data on the flash storage device. These steps, loosely called "formatting," utilize some of the memory cells within the device and thus reduce the capacity available for data storage by the end-user."
Other references: https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130626194712AAOgJeW
Short answer: IS NORMAL. Is like you look at the board @McDonals and u order the $2.99 Mcheese and when it's time to pay, is $3.50! what! outrageous! liars! Everybody does it. 🙁