[SOLVED] USB flash drive is not being mounted in Windows10, but Device Manager recognizes it ?

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Sep 18, 2024
Hello guys,

I have a generic USB flash drive which I used to install Fedora Linux on another old system which I had lying around. I used the Fedora media writer tool to reformat it and use it as a generic USB flash drive again, but Windows 10 does not mount it to one of the letters. In contrast, the device manager recognizes the usb drive. Fedora itself recognizes it, as well. I can read and write simple data on it (but only in Fedora). I tried to reformat it with the Windows volume manager but got an error window, so that also didn't work out.

What should I do know?

Thanks in advance!
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Is it recognised at all in windows disk management. If it there but not as an actual drive, it may need to be assigned a drive letter. Also is it fomatted as ntfs?

You may need to use Aaomi or minitool third party disk management/partition manager if windows just wont fix it. Cheers
I can definitly see it in the windows disk management (which I refered to as windows volume manager in my post). I get an error that the system file is not being found when I try to assign it to a letter, but ultimately fail so.

It is formatted in exFat which was the same formatting that it had previously.
I did it! So what I did after the recommended Software not really working out for me, going back on my Fedora system (which is another whole PC) and write some Fedora distro on it and then reformat it with gparted on fedora to exfat (do not reformat it with the fedora tool). After that I switched to my Windows system again, plugged in the USB drive after the boot process was finished and went to the disk management software in windows. I clicked on the "change driver letter option" in the menu and did not get an error again. Thus I could assign a new drive letter to it and got it working.

As I am writing this, I am also writing data on that drive. It works!


Edit: I think it was missing the "System Volume Information" folder with a WPSettings.dat file in it.
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