USB flash drives wont work with Tyros keyboard


Mar 4, 2015
I recently bought 10 USB flash drives off ebay and only 3 will work with my Tyros keyboard? they are all the same make and same batch, I have noticed that the one's that work open a window on the Pc saying "new hardware found" etc these work on the Tyros but the ones that just open up a new drive window dont work?
Has anyone got any ideas as to why some get detected by the Pc and some dont.
They all work fine on the Pc

In that case it is a problem with the drivers for the keyboard. I also found that whilst some monitors also support USB plugging they don't seem to work with all USB sticks. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest drivers for your system from the manufacturers website. Other then that you would have to use a USB hub.......

That still does not answer why some work and some dont even thopugh they are the same make.brand, and batch?

Ahh - That's true, but I still think that perhaps the drivers are the existing drivers used for an older OS that "usually work most of the time". If the device does not have drivers specifically for the OS that you are using then there's no guarantee that it will work correctly all of the time.