Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (
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By following this process, will it be permanent whenever I
use the USB or will I have to repeat this process?
>-----Original Message-----
>Or right-click My Computer, select Manage, go to Disk
>right-click your flash drive and select "Change Drive
>Pavel A. wrote:
>> "MC" <> wrote in
message news:1eed01c49d7d$d27bfb70$a301280a@phx.gbl...
>>>Is it possible to manually configure a USB memory stick
>>>a particular drive? e.g. H:\. If so how can one go about
>>>doing it in Windows OS.
>>>I would want to know so that it eleminates changing
>>>whenever its connected to PCs/Laptops.
>> Yes, possible. Please *use the following advice on your
own risk*.
>> It works for me but it is far from being easy or
>> 1. After Windows auto-assigns some letter to your flash
drive (for example X
, remove it and open
>> registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices
>> 2. Find a key named \DosDevices\X: and change X to
whatever you want.
>> Don't change the *value* itself.
>> Regards,
>> --PA