USB mouse mistery


Dec 21, 2015
My desktop PC motherboard is a GIGABYTE H81M-DS2V

tl;dr --> mouse won't work on one computer but works on another, USB ports are all OK

On my desktop PC all USB ports work fine (I have a spare cheap USB mouse and now I'm using that - I tested with that). But when I plug the "good" mouse (E-Blue Cobra) it doesn't work.

The light on the mouse turns on, but nothing shows up under device manager and there is no "plug in sound".
The mouse works perfectly on my laptop which has Windows 10 as well.

On the desktop PC the "good" mouse doesn't work in the BIOS either, so I think it may be related to some hardware issue.

Before it stopped working completely there were a few minutes where the mouse randomly would stop working with no reason (I think it has something to do with the USB hub I was using).

During the various attempt I did the "good" mouse worked once (was plugged in the front USB) but as soon as I connected it to an USB port located on the back it stopped working again... (in the front USB the "good" mouse won't work anymore).

Anyone can help?
I have an USB hub, which when connected to my desktop PC works fine. But as soon as I plug in the "good" mouse it start behaving weird: I keep hearing the connecting/disconnecting USB sound in windows.
While editing the previous post I heard the USB plugin sound and the mouse magically started working again for a few seconds, then stopped again.

My questions are:
- if the mouse is broken, why the hell it works on my laptop?
- if my motherboard has USB issues, why all other USB devices work properly?
I just found out what the hell was the problem.
RARRAF you are right, but the problem was not the PSU.

Today I plugged on the same power board of the PC an universal laptop charger... it was sucking away the power from my desktop and leaving the mouse with not enough power (I guess the "good" mouse needed more power than the cheap one).

But how well the thing was balanced to cut off only one mouse and leave all other USB devices working... just to drive me nuts.

Thank you