USB not detected


Jul 10, 2014
I have my new PC for 1 month now and i have windows 8.1 instailled on it, At the begining all worked fine but now I have figured out that when USB can't be recognized. When I put USB in the slot i get this sound so I know that PC detects the USB inside. But then i can't open it. When i go to "My computer" , I only see my hard drive and SSD but no USB. I looked under the "Device manager" and I see my USB under the "Other device" section. I see this yellow triangle with exclemation mark inside next to the icon. I think I clicked something wrong because 1 week ago it worked perfeclty but I don't know what I did wrong. Please help me get this working.
Windows is updated and i don't find this section u are talking about. When I click "Properties" under "Other devices" where i see my USB, it says that the drivers are not instailled and that i must update them. But when I click "Update drivers" I don't get any updates. I really don't know what to do. Please help me.
When I do this it does nothing. It just opens small window which is checking for changes and then it closes it. And the USB is not disabled. Do you have any other solutions, please?