USB Wireless Adapter for mic

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Sep 20, 2016
Hello everyone! I have a Rode NT-USB microphone that i use to communicate while gaming, but I can't stand the cables. I'm trying to look for like a USB 2 type B bluetooth adapter, that would connect to the mic, then it would wirelessly trasmit to a receiver, which would be connected to my pc.
Like how an xbox 1 controller works on pc, it has that usb adapter that you plug into your pc, i would need something like that, but instead of the other end being a controller, it would be an adapter for usb 2.0 type B male, to go into my mic......... I know its a lot to ask lol ive tried searching myself, thanks for the help!
Would not be possible as the mic requires power via the USB connection. Unless someone does a bluetooth adaptor that will power the mic too. As this is a studio type microphone, which would normally use phantom power, wireless options are rarely considered as you may get a drop in quality, and it would render the equipment less reliable.

Hope this helps.
Would not be possible as the mic requires power via the USB connection. Unless someone does a bluetooth adaptor that will power the mic too. As this is a studio type microphone, which would normally use phantom power, wireless options are rarely considered as you may get a drop in quality, and it would render the equipment less reliable.

Hope this helps.
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