What I'd like to upgrade from: This junk
Motherboard: Foxconn A78AX3
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925
RAM: XMS3 4GB 1333
GPU: Radeon 6970
What I'd like to upgrade to:
I don't know exactly.
What I already have for new buildish:
32gb Crucial Ballistix DDR3 1600.
I was thinking 4590/4690k & Z97 board but I'm not sure if that's the best route with what I've got. I know the 6970 is dated but can't really budget in the jump to a GTX 970. Help me hardwarriors. I am an old man in desperate need of advice.
Links & Combos appreciated!
Motherboard: Foxconn A78AX3
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925
RAM: XMS3 4GB 1333
GPU: Radeon 6970
What I'd like to upgrade to:
I don't know exactly.
What I already have for new buildish:
32gb Crucial Ballistix DDR3 1600.
I was thinking 4590/4690k & Z97 board but I'm not sure if that's the best route with what I've got. I know the 6970 is dated but can't really budget in the jump to a GTX 970. Help me hardwarriors. I am an old man in desperate need of advice.
Links & Combos appreciated!