Question User - Groups problem Win 11 Pro

Dec 9, 2024
First question on this forum!

I have a new built computer (I have built many) it was installed from scratch with an European language version 24H2, and updated with a few standard things via Windows Update.

It will be a Kiosk sort of computer, but that doesn't fit the other circumstances in our historic society.

It will, after being completely installed be offline, and manually updated. I have set up necessary users, extra admin, and guests that can log in. The guests will not work on the computer, just searching for some info and get a printout, or get info on two files, one text and one photo.

I installed in mmc a non-administrator group with users both people, standard users, that add info to the computer, and then guests consuming data. However I found out that restricting non-administrators also had affect on standard users, so I tried to make more restrictive local group rights for guests, but I cannot build such a group in mmc. No guest group is found there!

However, in lusrmgr.msc I built the users and the guest users and put guests in guests group. I can see this guests group in lusrmgr, computer management console, mmc, gpedit and netplwiz.

Am I missing some info, because an attempt to ask CoPilot, it told me to use exact the same method as I did for non-administrators.

Any suggestions on how to create a snapin in mmc for guests? Or is the another way around this?


Look over your list of permissions and how you are propagating those permissions. Anything set to "deny" will trump everything else in the group. You also need to be keenly aware of what file system is in use. Permissions are only valid for NTFS formatted volumns.
Hi, Right now there are no permissions set other than the standard ones. For each group, set by default installation, and added extra admin account in adminstrators group. the same goes for the two guests accounts one for left handed and one for righthanded, both in guests group.

The settnings I tried when I sat the non-administrators rights was completely reset by putting back the original registry file. And I doublechecked afterwards that they were applied.

No problems with the partitions, NTFS GPT, et c, and as a standard procedure I have run Xmemory tests overnight and partions been tested and so on. And I could and verified that the non-administator settings worked, but at a larger extent than expected. Why would f ex a user belonging to both Administrators and Users groups (set up by default) be affected by non-administrator settings. Wouldn't an administrator keep its rights overriding the user group settings for it?

You need to be reviewing how permissions work. Permissions on User accounts that are members of multiple groups work quite a bit differently than if they are only in one group. Think "Most restrictive permissions win".
Thanks ex_bubblehead!

Yeah I forgot that, I will revise the users and groups to fix that part. However, why can't I find the Guests user group and set restrictions there? Using non-administrators groups definately affects standard users. And, I must make differnces between guests, standard users and admins.
