This is totally opinion based on my end, This article and charts, UserBenchmarks, were put together by Intel fans boys that are having issues with the fact that AMD has now found, for the time being, a solution that gives it unpearalleled performance in gaming scenario's .
Even TomsHardware "had" one of these type of writers on staff a few years back, maybe quite a few as the year slips my mind, but he soon went to the wayside after the article I read where it was not an objective view but forced his own views into the article for Intel fanboy-ism.
Other than the Intel's 13th-14th gen frying themselves, Intel had a good offering last gen, till the frying issues. There performance is not in dispute but there longevity is and this fear will steer those looking to upgrade away from those CPU's. This is a fact. These issues are also not taken into consideration with UserBenchmarks review or charts. I personally will not buy a 14th gen for another 3+ years till it is proven to be safe but by then there will be a different CPU with better performance and newer tech as it moves so quickly these days. 3+ years is going to put it well past the end of life for this CPU so why bother at this point.
Fanboy-ism has no place in benchmarks or reviews. The facts, just the facts matter. The conclusion is subjective but don't force your views on your readers without saying "Opinion Based". User Benchmarks is Opinion based and they have a flawed system to evaluate hardware. Toms Hardware does a good job and so does Gamers Nexus of being transparent and try to be objective and only give opinions in there conclusions, which is Opinion Based to start with.
Just my 2 cents on this article in discussion.