Using a splitter a third Cha Fan still won't work


Nov 27, 2015
Hi there,

So I've got 3 fans on my Zalman Z3 Plus case - one in the front and two on top. I've got 2 slots for cha fans on my board (ASUS Z97-K). I was using the one fan in front and one of those on top. Recently bough a splitter and now I had the chance to install it. Wanted to connect those 2 on top of the case using the splitter with one of the two slots I got on the motherboard (the other slot is occupied by the front fan). Connected everything and started the PC, but one of the fans still won't work.

Also in the BIOS settings I've got the option to control only 2 cha fans. I read somewhere that even if I can't control them through the BIOS, they might all still work. But in this case one of the three still won't work.

Any ideas? Any software I need to use? My motherboard won't run a third cha fan even with a splitter?

Will really appreciate some opinions and help.

Best regards!

I think you're telling us you still have the problem. To be sure I understand it, these are the facts I THINK you've presented.
1. You have three 3-pin fans you want to connect to a mobo CHA_FAN header.
2. You have an ASUS Z-97-K mobo, which has two CHA_FAN headers. Both have been in use until now, with only one fan on each header, but uou now wish to add the third fan to one of the headers. So you need to connect two fans to one header, using a fan Y-splitter. You have a 4-pin Y-splitter, pictured in the most recent photo.
3. In BIOS Setup, you have set both the CHA_FAN headers to operate in DC mode, and then used SAVE and EXIT to ensure those settings are retained.
4. You have tested each fan separately and verified that all three...
Double check that the fans don't have switches. For case fans they're usually a second set of wires coming out of the fan and can be quite small. If so, turn off the PC then flip the switch and try again. If its a LED fan it may have 3 positions(off, LED off, LED on) not necessarily in that order.

Is the fan that's not working the one that wasn't being used before? Have you tried plugging it in directly to see if it functions by itself?

Since the tops are 120mm fans you should also be able to plug them directly into your PSU. Nearly all my case fans are plugged into mine.
Here's something I just read on a review from Amazon:

"2)Fan Expert 3 works exactly as advertised when the machine is cold booted, but does not work perfectly when the computer goes to sleep and wakes up. I have two fan configuration. The CPU never turns off (by design of the software) which is good, but the case fan can be configured to be off or from slow to full speed. This all works well when cold booted, but after sleep/wake the "off" feature does not work. It runs at it's slowest speed instead. The other parts of speeding up with heat and slowing down when idling work well. Full operation returns after a reboot. Not perfect, but not terrible either."

Might be another thing to look at.
It should work, but does not. IF the fan that does not work now is the same one that you never used before, check as ledhead11 said, especially by connecting it directly to a mobo fan header you know does work. Then try this odd idea. MAYBE the fan is just very stiff because it has not been used at all for a long time. With no power to the fan, try turning it by finger. It MAY be stiff, but free up quickly and turn OK. If it does that, re-try it with electrical power to verify. If it stays really stiff no matter what, it is faulty and needs replacing.
Thanks, guys!

But it looks like the problem is somewhere else. I did connect the problematic fan to the MB and it was running with no problem, so it is working. Then I decided to get a closer look at those splitters and looks like the guys I bought them from may have lied to me. They are not what I was looking for. On the 2-way part (where I am supposed to connect the fans), there is one end with 4 pins and one with 3 pins. And the one with 3 pins isn't matching the 3 pins from my fan. So looks like even with a splitter (at least any of those splitters) I can use only one of the top fans.

I guess I just need to browse in Ebay for the right ones. Since they seem to be hard to find in my country.
You just added some new information: "...the 3 pins from my fan". So, you have 3-pin fans, not 4-pin. That does not affect the splitter - either a 3-pin or a 4-pin splitter will work for you. And in both cases, of the two male output connectors, only ONE will have all its pins, and the other SHOULD be missing Pin #3, which is what you describe. If you are plugging 3-pin fans into a 4-pin splitter, make SURE you match the groove on the side of each fan female connector to the tongue on the male connector - they should only plug in one way. You should find that the 4th pin of the male side is NOT in use.

The fact you have 3-pin fans DOES mean you need to ensure the correct configuration of your mobo fan headers. See your manual, p. 2-42. Because you are using 3-pin fans for case ventilation, for both of your CHA_FAN headers you should set them to the DC Mode, NOT to PWM Mode. If you have to change those settings, make sure you SAVE and EXIT from BIOS Setup.

Even though its not my problem, I just want to say thank you for explaining the 3 or 4 pin configuration. I've seen others post about it but now as The Tick said, "if only to retain it!".

Sorry for not mentioning the 3-pin fans. My bad.

This is the exact splitter I am trying to use:

I am pretty sure I have configured all of the cha fans to DC and I did it before a few days, because I adjusted them manually (since it is a lot hotter now). I will get a closer look again, tho.

If I am understanding you the right way, I have connected the 3-pin connector the right way. As you are saying, there is only way to connect them, so they properly fit. So, if I can explain it this way - only 2 pins are actually connected.

Will double check my hardware installation and my BIOS and will get back with a report.

Thanks again!
I think you're telling us you still have the problem. To be sure I understand it, these are the facts I THINK you've presented.
1. You have three 3-pin fans you want to connect to a mobo CHA_FAN header.
2. You have an ASUS Z-97-K mobo, which has two CHA_FAN headers. Both have been in use until now, with only one fan on each header, but uou now wish to add the third fan to one of the headers. So you need to connect two fans to one header, using a fan Y-splitter. You have a 4-pin Y-splitter, pictured in the most recent photo.
3. In BIOS Setup, you have set both the CHA_FAN headers to operate in DC mode, and then used SAVE and EXIT to ensure those settings are retained.
4. You have tested each fan separately and verified that all three WILL work if each is the ONLY fan plugged into one of your headers.
5. However, if you use the splitter and connect two fans to one of your headers, only one of those fans works. The other simply refuses to start up.

Is that all correct so far?

The only other thing I can suggest is to check the BIOS settings for Chassis Fan 1/2 Profile (See manual p.2-42) and make sure it is in "Standard". This is the setting for automatic control. Any other setting might try to send the fans a voltage that is too low to operate two fans at once. As a second check, ensure that the setting for Chassis Fan 1/2 Q-Fan Source is set to "MB" so it uses the motherboard temperature sensor.
Hey, Paperdoc!

Everything you have concluded is right!

I just want to say that I finally fixed it. After changing those new settings you suggested in the last message, there was still no change. So I had another close look, this time in the exterior of the case. Looks like there was this metallic net above the cha fans and it was pressing one of them enough to not give it the chance to spin. So I played around with the net a bit and fixed it so now it is touching just a little bit the fans, so they can spin freely.

Thank you so much for your help. At least now I definitely know a lot more about the cha fans. I am picking that last answer as the solution anyway. I hope I won't have any trouble when I add my 4th fan in the future.