[SOLVED] Using an old HDD with bad sectors as my secondary HDD


May 14, 2018
Hi, thx for answering my question(s)...
So 1 week ago my 6 year old hdd started acting up and turns out it has some "bad sectors" so it always gave me a blue screen after using it for 2 or 3 hours, so i bought a new hdd but my question is:
Is my pc going to crash agn if i use it as a secondary drive?
I want to fix those bad sectors so i can use it agn but idk if it will crash my pc agn or not bcs the bad sectors are in my C partition so i think that's why it crashes, maybe it corrupted my windows files or something like that?
Bad secors are not "fixed", they are just avoided / remapped. If you use that drive, make sure you don't store anything important there without a backup somewhere else.