I just found this old upstar tv. It's a 20" LED, 1600x900.
I can't find the right link for it, but the closest is the M2000A1 https://www.amazon.com/Upstar-M200A1-Screen-LED-Lit-Monitor/dp/B013GMX7CQ
My GPU is an Nvidia GeForce 1050ti
When I plug the HDMI in, and set it up to display on the second display, it gives me a message "Not Support"
If I switch it to just be my primary display or make my computer forget about it, it will say No Signal.
Is there anything I can do about this, or is it just too late. I have tried updating all the related drivers, and the latest ones for this display are from 2006.
I can't find the right link for it, but the closest is the M2000A1 https://www.amazon.com/Upstar-M200A1-Screen-LED-Lit-Monitor/dp/B013GMX7CQ
My GPU is an Nvidia GeForce 1050ti
When I plug the HDMI in, and set it up to display on the second display, it gives me a message "Not Support"
If I switch it to just be my primary display or make my computer forget about it, it will say No Signal.
Is there anything I can do about this, or is it just too late. I have tried updating all the related drivers, and the latest ones for this display are from 2006.