Using an old TV as a second computer monitor

Jul 29, 2018
I just found this old upstar tv. It's a 20" LED, 1600x900.
I can't find the right link for it, but the closest is the M2000A1

My GPU is an Nvidia GeForce 1050ti

When I plug the HDMI in, and set it up to display on the second display, it gives me a message "Not Support"
If I switch it to just be my primary display or make my computer forget about it, it will say No Signal.
Is there anything I can do about this, or is it just too late. I have tried updating all the related drivers, and the latest ones for this display are from 2006.
If the monitor has a DVI port, get a DVI cable. If you're going to use an HDMI cable from your GPU, then you're going to need an "Active" HDMI to VGA adapter to connect to the monitor's VGA port.