Using more speakers with a 5.1 speaker set


Oct 1, 2011
This is a very noobish question.

I currently run a Creative 5.1 speaker. I also have the four speakers from my old Creative 4.1 speaker set. The subwoofer of the 4.1 doesn't work anymore but the four speakers of it still works.

Now my question is, is there any way I can use those four speakers with my current 5.1 speaker set? If there is a way, will it be wise to use them together? Will it put pressure on my motherboard and use more power? My mobo has 6 audio ports and three of them are already used by the 5.1 speaker so I was thinking I could connect my speakers from the 4.1 to those unused ports but I am not sure if it will be safe or it will even work.
the pressure would not be on the motherboard but on the amplifier in the remaining subwoofer. you will also need to verify that the Ohms rating is the same or issues could arise and more damage to the amplifier. the speakers will not connect to the motherboard they would connect to the other speaker setup as that is where the AMP is.

be aware that adding more speakers will lower the volume each speaker can achieve. the total wattage will be cut almost in half and that will equate to lower volume and a hotter Amplifier.
say the system is total wattage of 400W, 160W for the subwoofer and 240W/5 for the satellites. each sat can get 42W each from the AMP. add more speakers and the wattage will drop drastically and quickly.assume the subs...


the pressure would not be on the motherboard but on the amplifier in the remaining subwoofer. you will also need to verify that the Ohms rating is the same or issues could arise and more damage to the amplifier. the speakers will not connect to the motherboard they would connect to the other speaker setup as that is where the AMP is.

be aware that adding more speakers will lower the volume each speaker can achieve. the total wattage will be cut almost in half and that will equate to lower volume and a hotter Amplifier.
say the system is total wattage of 400W, 160W for the subwoofer and 240W/5 for the satellites. each sat can get 42W each from the AMP. add more speakers and the wattage will drop drastically and quickly.assume the subs have a dedicated 160, the 240W will be divided by 9 speakers or 26 watts each.

it could be done but I would not risk my working AMP for it. The results are not what you think.


Oct 1, 2011

Well, I also have a bad feeling about this idea. Thank you for the detailed answer.