Using my own router on att u verse


Dec 12, 2015
I have att u verse internet, I only have internet not phone and tv. I want to hook up this router I want to use this router instead of the one att gives you because it has range issues and is generally a bad router. From what I have read on the rest of the internet it is possible to use the modem component of the att device and hook up your own router. How do I go about doing this, I know I have to change settings. If you could provide step by step that would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your help
I have uverse and my own ASUS router working hand in hand - initially, I was planning on putting the AT&T router into passthrough but as of the moment I am not having any NAT issues with XBL by using the AT&T router as my WAN uplink on my ASUS router so I am not making any tweaks yet.

I just got service within the last 3 months and honestly that router wasn't that bad, just wanted to use my own to extend range to the basement. If you did want to make tweaks to the built-in config, I believe the default is and the login creds are on the actual modem. If you don't have any other AT&T services, you can hide the SSID so you don't have to worry about anyone attempting to connect but be aware if you add services to your account like DirecTV (with wireless clients) or their home security system, you'll need to provide them with the updated SSID and password.