Using your own connection as VPN?

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Feb 9, 2015
Hello everyone,

I was wondering if it was possible to setup a "VPN network" on my desktop at home, so I can connect to it when I'm at school to circumvent Fortiguard proxy so I can access blocked sites or play Steam games with the lowest latency possible. And since my IP at home is not seen as a 'proxy' thus 'proxy avoidance', I could use it as a proxy.

Or is it not that simple?

I google'd around, but would like to do it without installing some new firmware by thirdparty's on my router because I'm not the only one using the router at home.

Thanks in advance!
Of course it will work you just have to figure it out yourself. You are getting into the forum rules by being too explicit as to why you want to do it.

I am surprised if you have search this you did not already find the software you want it is very common to need vpn just to play some games between people houses not even trying to bypass any firewall/proxy.

I will warn that the most common vpn used to get past a proxy does not follow the rules of the protocol to the letter and many devices can now detect these vpn software and block the software rather than the location you are going to. So if the IT group is using this feature the easy to find software will not work.

Spend your time reading the articles on how to block this traffic and you might also learn what can't be blocked.
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