[citation][nom]Pherule[/nom]"DotA, short for Defense of the Ancients, is a mod for Warcraft III that spawned the MOBA genre."False false false FALSE!First, what is this 'MOBA' genre? DotA is AoS (Aion of Strife) genre, and the genre was NOT spawed by DotA, it was spawned by the SC1 AoS maps. It was later brought to the WC3 engine and released by multiple authors. Eul then merged multiple content from the various versions and solidified it into DotA. Guinsoo took it up where he left off, then Icefrog after Guinsoo. I'll reiterate once again, there is no such thing as 'MOBA' genre. It is the AoS genre.The name DotA should now rightfully belong to Icefrog.Well at least you got the abbreviation 'DotA' correct Toms, I'm seeing a lot of people calling it DOTA, which is incorrect. The first and last letters are capitalized, the middle two are not.[/citation]
multiplayer online battle arena, google is your friend, there is a wiki entry for the term.
"Multiplayer online battle arena, a term used to describe the action real-time strategy genre."