Valve Launches Steam Daily Wishlist Games Giveaway

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I had no idea that Steam had a 'wishlist' feature. Guess I should fill mine out. Although there is no way that I am going to check out their page every day.
Steam is so much epic win. And I agree with cTs Corvette: Steam has helped, I think, lower the "piracy rate" of some games by offering great deals during their various sales. A marginal game at $30 looks great at $7.50.
the only problem with this sales..
adding one or more games to my playlist.
and i don't know when i'll be able to finish them all????
[citation][nom]therealfly[/nom]Steam is kinda fail IMO.
2, If EA released Battlefield 3 on Steam, and you bought the game on Steam, you'd have to pay steam for the updates too. All steam needed to do was allow EA to sell the add-on's eventhough a customer bought the game from steam. Steam said NO! EA said piss off.
5, Steam has gotten better, but i use to hate waiting for map packs to be released on steam. nothing better then watching my friend play the new Zombi Nazi's while i read Steam Fourms, begging for them to release the steam update.Steam is ... Average at best.[/citation]

2. How would 'you' have to pay Steam updates for the game? Steam has free automatic updates, no need to download patches on your own.

If your referring to DLC as paying for updated content, then your disillusioned. Yes you pay on steam for say a map pack or new DLC, BUT you would of had to pay that same price somewhere else.
However, often during Steams holiday sales (or franchise sales), you can even buy DLC for dirt cheap (ex: 75% of FO:New Vegas and all its DLC last week, so $2.50 each, regular $10). Thats not the case for other places.

EA is just greedy and doesn't like how they must give Steam a percentage of revenue for offering gamers a far superior service than what they ever could with Origin.

5. Map packs come out when they are available for the PC (often PS3 and PC must wait). Lots of times Xbox signs those exclusive deals to have those DLC first a month or so in advanced of other consoles. This is not Steams fault. Blame M$ for that.
2. Does it not make sense that if you bought a game in Steam (which requires you to use an account to play it, that you should also buy the DLC to go along with it in Steam as-well?

Also, I've never tried this for DLC, but I know that if you buy a game digitally on some other digital store, often you can register that key-code in steam to register it to your account.
Can someone verify if its possible with DLC?
ea is smart in a way, they put their biggest waited game of the year into their new service so they can sale more of their game, with all those client from bf3 its a good start. I used to hate origin how it was made to play bf3 but now with update its so much better over steam for game search, stats. Steam still top and at least ea is trying something on their own, i like competition so good move because we dont want apple store monopolizism dictature for pc right.
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