[citation][nom]mauller07[/nom]I think another thing valve severely lack in is some creativity and originality and depth to their games, especially with certain minor details that can make the games far more interesting, would be a lot better say in left 4 dead if the zombies were actually zombies and when running at you would stumble and even fall down at time, even taking a horde behind them down as they fall over eachother, and running around corners at speed loosing their footing and falling.another thing is the overhyping of features that are non existant such as in left 4 dead 2 with their supposedly having the maps change with each time you play with different routes etc never happened yet was hyped to the end as a game changing experience.they need to get their shit together.[/citation]
Try getting a few friends in a game and outwardly explore the levels. There is almost ALWAYS a secondary path that sweeps around the main path. The first level of no mercy you could go into a small truck lot then through a warehouse to get to the subway. Almost noone EVER goes that route because it's longer. Everyone wants to speed game through the levels. Another example? Oh how's about L4D2? Swamp fever has a LOT of secondary paths that either require you to wade through waste deep water for a shorter route, or go the long way and be able to keep your feet dry. (Thank you Versus for removing the shoulder deep water slowing you down at all, now everyone just speed games, again...)
Now as for Common infected stumbling that'd just take too much to make that a random event, it'd end up being scripted or something so it could reliably occur. Also one falls, then you get the domino thing and what was once a FRIGGIN HORDE is now just a few zombies that were on the sides of the one zombie that forgot to tie his shoes. It takes from the suspense.
If they wanna change up L4D series they need to either make the hordes HUGE (100 or so zombies that will overwhelm you so get the hell out of there) or ration ammo out to the point that you cant honestly waste ammo on just every zombie. (And nerf the HELL out of the CQ weapons. Ninja-ing a tank is just retarded in L4D2, and I'm hoenstly sick of how underpowered the Special infected are.)
Now as for one of the failures Valve had being not supporting the console community. I honestly have to side with people saying Valve has jsut dragged their feet on this. They -could- do the weapons updates (forget hats, just takes up extra space) and maybe a few maps more. But the restrictions they have to fight the 4gb game size limit. seriously? I have a 120gb hdd! People don't own 50 games that they play every day. If anything there's 5 you play often.
As for Sony that was purely because Valve didn't liek having to rewrite the games to run GL just for sony.
However Valve does need to get on things a little more. I do wanna see Ep3 but I'll wait. I remember this time, ages ago it seemed. You waited 5 years for a game to come out, and it was good. Those days were called the 90s. Those were times before companies like EA turned into something that was viable to invest in. And then lost their souls because they had to come out with a new game that would appeal to the masses so they could get those all to important profits.