Oye, well, this is all based on incomplete knowledge on my part. The SteamOS website makes it *sound* like the whole thing is centered on Steam. If this is the case, how could any of you possibly believe this is going to "save" PC gaming or bring it forward in the spirit of what PC gaming has been for decades?
Since the internet hit a sweet spot of fast and cheap, we've seen some really incredible things happen in PC gaming. People focus so much on the loss of big AAA type developers from the 90's to consoles that they've missed that there is this massive and varied spectrum of PC gaming out there from dozens upon dozens of smaller companies and developers producing distributing, and publishing games in just about every way you can think of. From Indie games to weird Asian consortiums offering dozens of free to play MMO's to shockingly developed web browser games, PC gaming is a bustling mosaic of gaming not sitting under any single organizational body or set of rules. This is why it's great and why it offers something very distinct from the console or App Store type environment.
If SteamOS really is "Steam or nothing" this is exactly what I'd assumed PC gamers have been opposed to for years - the movement towards there being a unified service through which all games on the PC must be distributed through, all run by one company. These are the people who have been complaining about walled gardens from MS and Apple and whatnot and, to my shock and surprise, they are looking in at what may well be a Valve run walled garden that says "Yeah, we want to become PC gaming" and their reaction is to say "HUZZAH! Our saviours have arrived!" Steam is all good and fine when it is one service on an OS that allows for developers of all sorts to develop and distribute any way they want, but if it is built into an OS and is the only show in town on that OS? That is *horrible* for PC gaming as a truly open platform, if that OS were to ever get a stranglehold on PC gaming.
If SteamOS demands that every game on it be run through Steam, run for your lives. This is the step that MS has NEVER taken and I am shocked that anyone who actually gives a rat's arse about the PC as a truly open gaming platform would be so short sighted as to hope this thing actually makes a huge dent in the PC gaming world. This is a neat service that I doubt I'll avoid, but it if is a Steam only OS, I desperately hope that it never takes a majority of the PC gaming marketshare.