Valve Software Joins the Linux Foundation

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Valve stated that users, so not only industry, can alter the software, so I presume I should be able to run whatever software I want. Steam runs on Linux already so I don't really expect many differences between any Linux distribution available now and SteamOS. Of course there are many questions about details of SteamOS but we all know Valve time! In any case, as a long time Linux user (10+ years) I'm already happy that I can now play on Linux games that would require better hardware (it's a new experience on Linux!) and that hardware support is improving so quickly compared to the past. I actually find very funny that while years ago the reaction to the word Linux would have been quizzically staring at me, now I find people enthusiast about it but still they have no idea what I'm talking about!


Feb 25, 2013

Part of the advantage to this is that games designed for Steam OS will run perfectly on Steam for Linux as well.
Anyone wanting to run additional apps should just use a standard Linux distro like Ubuntu or Mint. This is primarily designed as a console replacement and therefore addresses those features only.

Most other operating systems "work" just as well as Windows. The only advantage Windows has is software compatibility as a result of a large user base and virtual monopoly. The biggest problem with Windows is that no one really wants to buy it, they have to because there aren't alternatives with the same library of applications and developer support. If and when that changes, "free" will be the deciding factor and therefore what gives something like this an advantage over an overpriced solution like Windows.

If I were Microsoft, I would be scared to death. All it would take is a few developers to make some AAA titles for this thing to start a tidal wave. Once a few users come, more games come and then even more users. What is Microsoft going to do when there is a free alternative that offers the same application library? It simply wouldn't have any way to justify buying Windows to gamers.


Jan 27, 2009

If only...

when Sony and Microsoft are throwing money at exclusives for their consoles, what chance do valve have ? Microsoft is in such a strong position it can abuse the windows gaming market and make it wait for games.

and Valve don't even seem inclined to make half life 3.


May 6, 2013
Lee-M... I don't really have time to respond to JD at the moment, but I've got to ask, how does Microsoft "abuse the windows gaming market and make it wait for games"? Is Microsoft the group that makes all these games, or a host of other developers? Do games require MS's approval to be released on Windows in any way, shape, or form? How is it MS that is making anyone wait for games that MS isn't making themselves?


I don't think Microsoft is worried, an extreme solution would be to do what Valve is scared of, lock Windows software market to kick Steam out of it.
In alternative Microsoft can close xbox division that is unprofitable anyway, move back to PC and do what they do with Android: sue&license.
Of course the new CEO could be another Ballmer, in that case we will have a xbox_weird_name in 10 years while Valve dominates the gaming industry and everybody complains that Valve is abusing the steam gaming market ;)


Dec 9, 2011
so all my games on steam can be played on ubuntu is what i care for please would be nice im new to linux but i like it i use it now almost everyday


Sep 13, 2013

This is true and I realize this is how linux is supported NOW...but valve.. they WANT to put an end to the windows monopoly, they have a vision..and as respected devs in the gaming industry they WILL succeed. I can feel it. Both windows and linux run off x86...porting games cant be that costly nor difficult...the user base just isnt there yet..but valves going to bring that. I hope most gamers jump aboard so this thing really gets rolling, because this very well could be the best thing to ever happen to pc gaming. Personally I only use my pc for steam, xbmc and some Im good as long as those functions are there, which Im sure they will be. If theres really something you need just dual boot windows...but whatever you do, as a gamer, support this.



Jan 27, 2009

For example, any exclusivity deal. Microsoft and/or Sony have paid for a GTA V exclusivity time, keeping the announcement of a pc version back in order to sell console versions of the game. Its been happening for years.

I wasn't trying to say that happens for every game, but it happens allot.


May 6, 2013
It happens a lot, eh? Do you have evidence of this? I've heard of *maybe* ten games this applies to since the release of the original XBOX. Maybe. This is out of thousands upon thousands of games released in that time. Are you really suggesting that PC gaming is so pathetically fragile and limited that a tiny, tiny fraction of all games released for the platform being merely delayed is some sort of a heavy blow to PC gaming and PC gamers? And let me guess, your take on it is that any time a game is released on the XBOX before the PC, MS paid the developer?


May 6, 2013
Ok then. So when you say:

"Microsoft is in such a strong position it can abuse the windows gaming market and make it wait for games."

You actually meant to add a statement of "which they do so little so that it is pretty much inconsequential to PC gaming or PC gamers as a whole."



Nov 17, 2013
WOW. After ten years, finally looks like I will stop blagging old windows codes and get a free alternative.
Expect linux to offer a gamers speedy vs pronto.
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