[SOLVED] Vectrex Joystick Replacement


Jun 17, 2019
Hello there. Recently I have picked up a Vectrex system, but I have a problem with a broken joystick in the controller. Luckily the rest of the controller is fairly easy to fix up, but the joystick isn't as easily replaceable as it is no longer made or sold separately. Recently I found a matching joystick online for fairly cheap, only problem is that it has a 100k potentiometer while the original Vectrex joystick has a 10k pot. Sadly this seems to be my only option for a joystick. Other than buying a new controller for $80, I would like to find a way to possibly convert this 100k pot to 10k. I heard that a 11.1k resistor might be a good option, but I am not sure how I should hook it up or if that's even the best option. Luckily there's lots of room in the controller, so if anyone can recommend me what to do, that would be amazing!
Have you contacted the seller of the replacement?
If it's potentiometer goes all the way down to the 10k region you don't even have to do anything other than turning it the whole way down with a screwdriver.

If you have to hook up a resistor it would go between the Vcc and the ground pins so that it would get less power to begin with.
Using the calculator he links to using the 2 Resistors in Parallel it confirms that a 11k resistor would lower it down to 10k
Maybe upload a few pics from inside the controller?
I doubt a lot of people have any experience with vectrex or can be bothered to research it but a lot of them will be good with electronics in general.
Here's a link to some photos. Sadly the last owner tried gluing a piece of plastic which broke, yet that only ruined the entire joystick.
And here's a link to a comparison of what I ordered: https://photos.app.goo.gl/CQY46qsiEvK1xisP6
Have you contacted the seller of the replacement?
If it's potentiometer goes all the way down to the 10k region you don't even have to do anything other than turning it the whole way down with a screwdriver.

If you have to hook up a resistor it would go between the Vcc and the ground pins so that it would get less power to begin with.
Using the calculator he links to using the 2 Resistors in Parallel it confirms that a 11k resistor would lower it down to 10k
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