Veritcal Red and Yellow Lines on Monitor


Dec 7, 2011
I have a monitor with vertical red and yellow lines. I'll attach 2 pictures. I know its not a graphics card issue/cable issue because the red lines present when no video is attached. I'd like to repair this if possible, but I was hoping somebody could point me in the right direction as to what needs to be fixed/replaced.

This is without any video plugged in. I plug in the power, this is what is displays. The color shows orange in this picture. It is actually the standard red color that is displayed in the next photo.


I made this picture so you could see the two lines more clearly. I didn't know if showing the lines agains the black/white background would help any.

Thank's for any help you can give. It is much appreciated!
That looks like an older NEC monitor, will probably cost the same as a new one to repair it, just get a new one.

You can try flexing the display around the bezel a bit to see if it will fix things that way, I have a monitor I'm using at work that at times gets funky lines on it when I move it, after playing around a bit it comes back to normal.

But as far as taking it apart to replace parts, may as well get a new one.