Verizon Wireless switching between 2.4ghz and 5g PROBLEM


Jul 25, 2014
I need help

Basically I have permissions to my landlord's

And I am wondering how to fix this problem where it switches between 2.4ghz and 5g automatically when I didn't ask it to do that. The 2.4 and the 5g has different names where the 2.4 is named (using hypothetical names) NETID and 5g s named NETID-5g. I have also tried disabling the 5g wireless specifically for my laptop but I think the internet is still switching between 2.4 and 5g for this specific machine, closing applications that I need to be open.

Is there any way to fix this? What would I have to do to make my machine stop disconnecting my applications and stay at 2.4ghz wireless is what I'm trying to get at.