Very Hot GPU?


Jul 6, 2015
I recently purchased a custom built PC back in February of 2015. After using it for a good while (Maybe a month?) I began to realize that the ports on the back of the PC (Back part of the GPU) were becoming extremely hot during gameplay. I knew this sort of thing was normal, but I wasn't sure if my PC's GPU was beginning to overheat or not. I've asked tons of people for their opinion, and I receive both positive and negative answers on the temperatures. At the most (On a Max Setting Game such as Killing Floor 2) I get up to 80 Degrees Celsius. The ports of the GPU heat up like crazy. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 Graphics card along with an I5 - 4690k CPU. My CPU stays cool the entire time, but when using afterburner I see my GPU Temperature rise to the 80 Degrees Celsius mark.

Does anyone know if this is normal for this type of Graphics card? I'm a newbie when it comes to PC's, and I'm not exactly sure what could be causing these high temperatures.

If you need to know any other specs of my PC just tell me below.

P.S. - I have one external fan (Liquid Cooled) and I am pretty certain I have a nice air-circulation/flow.