So, basic idea of the problem: My pc works completely fine, but after a few months of working fine, one day it just decides to not boot properly, VGA light turns on, black screen for a few minutes, MB logo for a few minutes as well, computer boots to OS, but the pc doesn't register my HDD.
This problem tends to solve itself after an hour of turning the system on and off. Pc works fine, after a few months, problem appears again.
What should I do ??
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: RX 580
MB: B450 Tomahawk
HDD: Seagate barracuda 1TB
So, basic idea of the problem: My pc works completely fine, but after a few months of working fine, one day it just decides to not boot properly, VGA light turns on, black screen for a few minutes, MB logo for a few minutes as well, computer boots to OS, but the pc doesn't register my HDD.
This problem tends to solve itself after an hour of turning the system on and off. Pc works fine, after a few months, problem appears again.
What should I do ??
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: RX 580
MB: B450 Tomahawk
HDD: Seagate barracuda 1TB