
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I'm looking at building a firewall/fileserver with a VIA EPIA CL10000
board, and I'm wondering if it'll fit a standard ATX case and power supply?

I want cheap and low power, but I also want room and power for extra
drives, and a full size PCI card. So if a VIA board will fit, then it's
100% perfect for me.

TIA for any responses,


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

In article <7yXgc.182636$oR5.127636@pd7tw3no>, acrobert-
at-ucalgary-dot-ca@ucalgary.ca says...
> I'm looking at building a firewall/fileserver with a VIA EPIA CL10000
> board, and I'm wondering if it'll fit a standard ATX case and power supply?

Mounting it will probably be an issue... but the power
connector is standard ATX (check the motherboard docs to
be sure).

> I want cheap and low power, but I also want room and power for extra
> drives, and a full size PCI card. So if a VIA board will fit, then it's
> 100% perfect for me.

My choice would be:
Morex668B Morex Venus 668 Black $95.00

(2) 5.25" bays, (1) interal 3.5" bay, (1) external 3.5"
bay, 200W power-supply, 1 PCI slot.

As long as you use 5400rpm drives (less power), you
could fit 1 in the 3.5" internal bay, and 1 in the
5.25" internal bay. (Dirt Cheap Drives sells kits that
let you mount 3.5" drives in a 5.25" bay, part
#CBRACKET.) Probably couldn't fit a 3rd in there
without getting into trouble with the power-supply.

For supplemental storage, I'd add external USB/firewire
drives. There are even firewire enclosures that hold 2
or 4 drives in a single box.