Video card - build advice


Feb 10, 2013
Hi all,

I am a long time lurker, first time (?) poster asking for a little advice on a new build I am going to try out for my office.

I will be building a 3rd gen core i7 w/16 G of RAM, 128 SSD.

My main use will be for Dragon Naturally Speaking and Word Processing. I do get on the internet a lot, mostly research, some youtube and watching the occasional TV show, etc.. Once in a blue moon, I may pop in a Blu-ray DVD if I am stuck in the office. I play no online games, such as first person shooters, etc., whatsoever.

I do however, want to go to a two monitor system, where I can open up a multiple page WP document and spread several pages of it across both monitors, or have a nice big window where I am copying and pasting from one document or web page or whatever into another.

Noise is also a big factor, so a passively cooled solution would be nice but not essential.

I see lots of passively cooled 2 DVI port, 1Gig, cards for about $50-60 online, but I don't know if that is enough for what I am planning to do or not.

reccomendations, thoughts, advice?

Many thanks in advance!
I guess you could say my total budget is technically unlimited, but I am shooting for a bang for the buck idea here.

KAIJER - This is one of the things I do not understand. I see that this card has the passive cooling very reasonably priced - good ......... as 1 Gig video memory - good (I guess) .....

But I see 3 DIFFERENT connectors on the card and no two of them are alike. Is the HDMI connector the same as the DVI and it just carries sound too? If I have 2 identical monitors, do I just use an adapter and that's it?

BTW - MAny thinks for the quick replies!
In bang for the buck, do add the cost of the whole system and see what little difference it can make going from 50 to 100, or from 100 to 150$.
My suggestion: given the specs mentioned, aim just a bit higher. Not too much, since appearing in no particular need of graphics muscle and you can change the card later on with no problem.
And yes HDMI and dvi will give you same performance.

DVI = video only
HDMI = video and audio in one cable

Only use HDMI if you plan on using speakers that are in your monitor or hooked up through your monitor..

and yes, spend 110$ if you can spend and buy the card (mentioned above)..