Video Card Seemingly Getting 0% Power


Jan 2, 2010
Hello people of Tom's Hardware.

This is another one of those "Display Driver has stopped working and recovered" question, but none of the fixes I have seen so far in the forums seemed to help, so I'm making another thread myself with my specific experience with the issue. I'm not much of a tech person so I'll add as many details as possible here.

So to start off I'm a gamer, as many of you are here, and I like to play games on hours on end. Seeing my need to achieve higher gaming performances I decided to build my own PC in the recent months. Here are the specs...

Everything was going fine with the rig, but about a month ago the issue occurred for the first time. I was playing Planetside 2 and Warframe on and off for about 6 hours or so. I was just about to start running Planetside 2 again, and as soon as I got into the game the screen crashed. Now during this "crash" I could still see the mouse pointer moving as it should, but the game screen itself has froze with unnatural color bleeding showing. This would go on for about 10 seconds and the screen would go black and come back. Everything was looking fine except for the windows error popup on the bottom right corner that read "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered." After 10 seconds of confusion the screen would go black again and just loop back to the error message. This would continue until I turned off Planetside 2.

I tried many things when this happened first from re-installing all of my drivers, checking my RAM and HDD for errors, and finally completely re-installing windows which fixed my problem for the time being.

Now the issue occurred again. I have no clue why this is happening and I don't think I want to wipe my hard drive another time just to get some of my games playing. Other people have been saying that their screen crashes when browsing youtube or twitch as well, but I can browse fine, just the high end performance games are causing this issue.

Here are some HWMonitor and Catalyst Control Center pics...

Don't know if this was enough for you guys to address the issue, but please help my if you could. Thanks!

EDIT: Forgot to add that during my gaming sessions the HWMonitor says that the video card runs at around little less than 60 degrees Celsius and it gets 1V of power. Thought the 1V was kind of low... Also I haven't OC any of my parts and they are running on factory settings.
It's detecting activity and fans are spinning, not to mention it's reporting a temperature as well. If it truly had 0% power (absolute 0) the card would be offline and not even detected. During your gaming sessions, if power was at 0% it wouldn't heat up.

The problem is, taking into account that you've already reinstalled the drivers and formatted your computer, drivers can't be the issue. That leaves us with 3 components causing the problem: the GPU, the PSU or the Motherboard.

I would test with another PSU first. I took a look at your PSU, and why is it so god damn expensive? For the same price (10 dollars cheaper) you could get a much higher quality Corsair AX760i. If it's still reimbursable, I would return it and get a AX760i if you want to keep the same price and extremely good quality. If you want to save a LOT of money, you could get the Corsair TX850M which is also great quality and it's semi-modular (for some reason the TX850M is cheaper than 650M and 750M). If you go with Corsair, just stay away from the CX series.

It could be the PSU that is causing all this trouble, so I would go with it first, and get a better one for a lower price. Afterwards, testing with a new GPU (because otherwise you have to reassemble everything). Lastly, the motherboard.