video card that I can use with my PC


Jul 8, 2017
I wanted to know what video cards that I can use with my PC safely?? My processor is a intel core i5 2500@ 3.30GHz and my OE is windows 10. I have 10 GB of DDR3 ram and My power supply is 500 watts. Also, my video card slot is PCI-E and my graphics card i'm currently using is Nvidia GeForce GT-730 but i really want to get something more powerful so i can play better games. I didn't want to purchase the wrong card because i've done that in the past. Thank you!!

if your PSU doesn't have a power connector i suggest u get the 1-fan GPU instead, usually these 2-fan card require a 6-pin power connector (if ur PSU had em then...
up to 1050ti is fine, beyond 1050ti will have some bottleneck, but most mid-end GPU are overpriced / out of stock anyway
im actually planning on buying the same CPU as the one u had, to upgrade my old pentium (my GPU is 1050ti right now, it's amazing, but my pentium bottlenecks it a lot)

btw, my power supply is only 400w, in case u're wondering whether ur PSU is enough or not

This is what i was looking at.... EVGA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti SSC GAMING ACX 3.0, 4GB GDDR5, DX12 OSD Support (PXOC) Graphics Card 04G-P4-6255-KR. would this work? Thanks again for the help.

if your PSU doesn't have a power connector i suggest u get the 1-fan GPU instead, usually these 2-fan card require a 6-pin power connector (if ur PSU had em then it's all good), also, check your case size please, u can measure it, or find the specs online.
other than that, that card will work

btw, if u need a gaming friend, u can add my steam 😀

EDIT: turns out your card doesn't need a power connector at all, so scratch that off the list, just check the case