Question Video is sluggish on Epson Powerlite, help please


May 27, 2014
I have an Epson Powerlite 1750 LCD projector. I connected the project to my Lenovo all-in-one desktop but video is sluggish, used a usb-b cable. Played video with VLC player and then Windows Media Player, both gave the same problems. I also tried a VGA cable but that gave me no picture at all.

I also tried some Chromebooks but that didn't help either.

Any advice appreciated, I played around with the VLC settings but no luck.

Specs for the Lenovo
64 Bit Windows 10
Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220T @ 2.60GHz 2.60 GHz
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When you connected the projector with VGA cable, did you make sure the screen was detected in Windows and setup properly to view dual displays? If the screen was setup as a second monitor you would need to move the windows to it in order to see anything or it will just display a blank desktop. When you use USB it would be using the internal hardware of the projector for a video card which seems to be a bit slow.

What exact model of computer do you have? Lenovo2 does not really come up with anything for a model.
Thanks, I got the Epson Powerlite 750 to work by lowering the resolution on my computer and using the sound from my computer. The Epson audio made the video out of sync. Also the video seems to be a little "speedy/too fast", not sure how to fix that.

I also have a Hitachi 3LCD but that does nothing but turn on, green light comes on. The Hitachi won't show my desktop, tried a VGA cable and USB cable, no luck.