
Jul 10, 2018
So this problem has been going on for about half a year now. I am constantly getting video scheduler internal errors on my PC. I first build my PC half a year ago and the BSOD's have not stopped. I also got some memory management BSOD's but I managed to stop them. I have a ryzen 1500x cpu and I have tried 3 different GPU's, all three of them giving the same BSOD. GPU's being a ZOTAC gtx 1070 mini, a GT 1030 and more recently an EVGA GTX 1070 Ti SC. I am also unable to play any games. I have tried DDU a billion times with uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers, I have tried checking for corrupted files in windows, I have tried underclocking my GPU as well as overclocking. I have reset windows but the problem has not fixed. I got the windows 10 pro USB from a friend, he said he has used this USB for other PC's and it worked fine. I have not tried updating BIOS recently or doing anything to my CAS timings. I have also done stress tests for my CPU and ram mem tests aswell.
its not the gpu then (slim chance all 3 have same error)
its unlikely to be drivers after running ddu a billion times
its not the igpu as a ryzen doesn't have one

Have you tried rreinstalling windows as small chance its a software error still.

What motherboard do you have? BIOS update might help

I have an asus prime B350M-A motherboard
I have not tried reinstalling windows but I will try now and I will also try updating my BIOS
another frequent problem I get is that the whole screen will randomly go black for a couple of seconds, I don't know if this is a related issue.

Ok, so I attempted to do a BIOS update, and it successfully downloaded. I then got a message after the PC restarted which said ''please enter SETUP to recover BIOS settings'' and then ''press F1 to run SETUP, so I pressed F1 and the PC froze on the ASUS startup screen. I'm not sure if this is normal or a MOBO error.
Was there a 2nd option saying
Press F2 to load default values and continue

have you tried restarting PC?

Freezing entering bios isn't normal , its meant to load the bios screens so you can run optimised defaults

You may need to clear the CMOS, have a look at page 1-4 here -

The VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x00000119. This indicates that the video scheduler has detected a fatal violation.

Parameter 1 is the only parameter of interest and identifies the exact violation.

Parameter 1 Cause of Error
0x1 - The driver has reported an invalid fence ID.
0x2 - The driver failed upon the submission of a command.
0x3 - The driver failed upon patching the command buffer.
0x4 - The driver reported an invalid flip capability.

The error appears to be software based but the reaction to flashing bios makes me wonder

After I updated the BIOS, I pressed F1 to run SETUP, there was no F2 option (I tried pressing F2 and nothing happened) after pressing F1 I was sent to the BIOS, then I pressed save and exit after making no changes, which sent me to a frozen ASUS startup screen. I have tried restarting windows. I tried clearing the CMOS a while ago, I'm not sure if I should try again.

I think the BIOS is fine now, my PC seems to be running a bit smoother after the BIOS update, but my games are still crashing.

yes I reset the PC using the 'remove everything' option
So reset this PC >Remove everything > Fully clean the drive? as that will wipe everything on C. I suspect just deleting your data may keep drivers (I hope you had backups before you did this)

So you still getting the BSOD?
Which version of win 10 are you on?
right click start
choose run...
type winver and press enter

current version is 1803 build 17134.112

where are you getting drivers from? Nvidia or windows update?

running out of thoughts...its not the GPU, its not the BIOS, it shouldn't be windows, not a lot of things left, makes me wonder if its a hardware fault on motherboard (just guessing here, maybe slot is damaged)

If you still getting BSOD, Can you follow option one on the following link - here
and then do this step below: Small memory dumps - Have Windows Create a Small Memory Dump (Minidump) on BSOD

that creates a file in c windows/minidump after the next BSOD
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and I will ask someone to convert files into a readable form

what are the specs of PC? What other parts involved?

I am on version 17134.165 for windows, I have also done the small memory dump, I got a video scheduler internal error randomly a couple of minutes ago before doing the small memory dump, as well as constant black screen freezes. I cleaned everything from both of my drives.
my specs are:

amd ryzen 5 1500x cpu,
EVGA gtx1070 ti SC gpu,
ASUS prime B350m-a motherboard,
a sandisk 240gb ssd,
1tb hardrive,
2*4gb of corsair vengence 2666 mhz ram (running at 2133 mhz atm),
corsair 88R case

I forgot to say that I replaced my inital motherboard (MSI b350M bazooka mobo) as the PC would not post)
what PSU do you have?

Are you getting GPU drivers from Nvidia or windows update?

it shouldn't be but test ram with memtest86 and see if you get any errors. Test 1 stick at a time, up to 8 passes. Any error count above 0 is too many, as can be potential cause of errors.

At this point I am trying to work out what it isn't. Can you test GPU in another PC.

I going to see if anyone else has any smart ideas.

i tested my ram a couple of time- went on for about 2 hours each time, both giving no errors, also I got my drivers through nvidia - the latest ones, and sometimes I do it through geforce experience
I'm starting to think that I've seated the gpu incorrectly (even though I took it out and put it in again) or my pci-e slot is damaged.
I took the PC to a PC specialist who said the problem was due to video memory corruption on my GPU - said it was definitely a GPU error. He said that he tried a replacement GPU and there were no problems which left me really confused.
what power supply do you have?

I am curious as the fact you already had to replace motherboard once as it wouldn't post sure makes me wonder if something else is cause. I thought of the slot myself but I want to figure out what causes of this error can be and not guess.

try running this -

right click start button
choose powershell (admin)
type SFC /scannow and press enter
once its completed, copy/paste this command into same window:
Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth and press enter
SFC fixes system files, second command cleans image files, re run SFC if it failed to fix all files and restart PC

just checking windows out.

I would like to ask you:

- Does the PC heat-up or slow down on regular usage?
- Is the CPU and memory usage normal?
You may check the CPU usage from the Task Manager. To launch Task Manager press ctrl + Shift + Esc on the keyboard.

1 fix guide says it can be hardware causes but its not saying what. Trying to see what runs the scheduler, is it a gpu thing or CPU.

3 fixes I hadn't thought of -

DO you get bsod anywhere or only in games? If everywhere, try booting into safe mode and see if they still happen
right click start
choose settings
go to update & security/recovery
under advanced start up, click restart now button

this loads windows recovery environment
choose troubleshoot
choose advanced
choose start up options
hit the restart button
choose a safe mode (it doesn't matter which) by using number associated with it.
Pc will restart and load safe mode

wait and see if it happens. You can't do much in safe mode but if it doesn't crash it could still be the drivers (seems unlikely but might as well look). Safe mode doesn't test GPU out as much so its not conclusive, it could be hardware doesn't crash if its not being pushed.

I tried SFC scannow and repair windows image, - nothing wrong- no errors;
the BSOD's happen randomly - I tried to run in safe mode, so far there have been no problems (running for 3 hours) and the PC is running very smoothly on the internet - no black screening. what does this suggest?
btw my psu is a corsair CX550M
I recently got a BSOD - who crash states that it could be ntoskrnl.exe that caused the error. the parameter is 0x2.
I took the PC to a PC specialist who said the problem was due to video memory corruption on my GPU - said it was definitely a GPU error. He said that he tried a replacement GPU and there were no problems which left me really confused.

You must have added that paragraph after I posted as I didn't see it last night?

Sounds like its your card again? Perhaps you should have got this specialist to replace card for you and test PC out to make sure it does fix the problem. Something is strange, you shouldn't get same error on 3 different GPU so its why I asked about PSU. Your PSU seems to be okay, the Cx series had a bad name for themselves but have improved since. I think your PSU is from the improved series.

You should tell specialist about all your problems. He is there, he can test everything works. Full system diagnostics. Maybe its just a run of bad luck with your GPU choices. Maybe this is why I get stores to make my PC for me, then if a part is broken on delivery they can replace it much easier than the end user can. Never had to replace any motherboards... I do recall having fun with getting a replacement GPU in a computer I made 15 years ago.

Safe mode uses default windows drivers and doesn't stress PC as much as normal mode, so a bad card can run fine in safe mode. I was expecting it to crash there though.

I don't think its worthwhile looking at the dump files if the card is the problem.

Do you have a win 10 pro license? was the installer your friend gave you just a normal Win 10 installer or cracked? cracked versions may include malware and I can't really help you until you had an uncracked version installed.

I was starting to think that taking it to a repair store would have answered question the fastest. You beat me to it.

This is what he said;

1) Stress tests were ran for all components in your PC, the only one that came back with an issue was the GPU stating Memory Corruption, but as you told me you tried with a replacement GPU I continued…

2) Malware was found and removed from your machine (report saved on desktop) but this didn’t fix the BSOD.

3) I updated Windows, still same issue.

4) Devices were disabled 1 by 1 to troubleshoot faulty drivers, I never managed to get a BSOD when the graphics were disabled (system reverts to Standard Drivers).

5) A clean install of the Graphics drivers was performed to no avail.

6) An O/S file check was performed using the sfc switch, no errors found.

7) Configured “faulty driver capture”, this method reports what drivers were in use at time of BSOD, each time was different although most of the time it was Graphics related.

8) Swapped out the graphics card for a test one, repeated the stress tests 3 times. No error reported, left machine on for a few hours without BSOD.

Conclusion, 99% sure it’s the GPU.

I will try to contact him again. I am not sure if the version of windows was cracked or uncracked so am asking him now.
I just don't understand how a 3 different GPU's could show the same BSOD.
I would also like to state that my first MOBO wouldn't post - it showed EZ debug lights on the CPU and ram, when reinserting my ram, my PC sometimes won't post (with the second motherboard) and the PC would just keep trying to boot (fans would go on and off). I don't know if this is a related issue.
Did you reinstall windows between GPU? If it was the same install the entire time it might have been drivers installed in windows causing it.

I am like you, I don't know why it would happen on 3 GPU, its why i went looking for another cause like a piece of hardware that was in PC entire time. I keep thinking its the power supply

what can kill a card:
Heat and power.

GPUs (or any computer part for that matter), produce A LOT of heat. This is why they have massive coolers on them. They aren’t just for show.

If your GPU overheats, transistors can start to burn out, plastic can melt, solder can melt, and, in extreme cases, PCBs can set themselves on fire.

The other main thing is power. Power surges, brownouts, lightning, ESD, all of the above can destroy a graphics card faster than you can say the word “fry”. Every silicon path on the PCB is designed to carry a certain amount of power. No more, no less. You can burn out diodes trying to push power through the wrong way, you can overfill a capacitor and cause it to burst, you can do all sorts of fun things that cause your computer to begin emitting fun smells.

PSU may have been reason 1st Motherboard wouldn't post.

Did GPU ever work right or was it like this from when you got it? How soon after purchase did error start?

I would think that if its caused by PCI-E slots then it would have done same to the guys GPU.

Did you tell him about the fact this is the 3rd GPU with same problem?
yes I did, but he was still sure that the GPU had a video memory corruption error;
I can confirm that the windows version was uncracked;
I did reinstall windows, 2 or 3 times between my GPU's.
Right now I am using a different PCI-E cable, and a different HDMI cable for my monitor - even though I have used this monitor for my previous laptop with the same HDMI cable.
The video scheduler internal error was present after I downloaded all my drivers (from the very start) - I did recieve a couple other BSOD errors later on which I managed to remove - but BSOD stayed for all this time.
I am not arguing that GPU isn't the cause now, I like you just wonder why 3 GPU got same error in a row.

Do cables make any difference? only cables i can see that could cause this error are PCI-E riser cables, that are used to attach two gpu in SLI.

PCI-E cable? do you mean from PSU to GPU? The PSU is one of the things that could be cause.

The error happens cause PC isn't getting a signal back in time from GPU, I am pretty sure the PC doesn't receive any data from monitor so swapping HDMI cables shouldn't make any difference (tbh, I don't know a hell of a lot about what signals are sent too/from monitor).
put it this way, if he fixes PC and says it works fine and it does, you win.. if he fixes it and later on gets exact same error, I would question reality and then think that maybe some other part of PC is the cause.

I might be wrong, it might not be the PSU and you just been unlucky

I regret saying it wasn't the GPU in my 1st post. Always jumping to conclusions. It just seemed unlikely to be real cause. Just a victim perhaps?

sorry for the delay, I'm pretty sure that the GPU is not the error now, as I tested one of my GPU's in a friends PC and it worked fine after reinstalling drivers - on his PC. So I am shifting towards it being on of the other components in my PC- possible the PSU or the motherboard, or maybe a faulty third party driver.
Its your post, you don't need to answer me :)

3rd party driver that showed up on every install and when error is caused by GPU... I don't like those chances.

I can't offer you much, the tech is the one who could keep PC for a while and fully stress test. I don't know enough about motherboards to tell you if its anything to do with the slot GPU go in. Techs gpu worked but did he try any games?

Which GPU did you test? Maybe get tech to test it and confirm it works and then put it in your PC. If it still causes the BSOD then it can't be the card.. right?

How old is PSU? If its over 5 years old it could be going bad, they don't last forever.
Do you plug PC into a surge protector.