Question Videos on USB device become unplayable/corrupted ?

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Dec 22, 2015
Imagine this, USB is connected, not being used, the longer it stays on, the more videos inside become unplayable, if I reconnect it, the videos are playable again. At the same time some videos have corrupted/glitched parts, others are unplayable permanently. Wtf causes this?
I already tested the USB to verify it doesn't have fake space, I bought it from a legit store.
What do you mean by: "USB is connected, not being used, the longer it stays on, the more videos inside become unplayable, if I reconnect it, the videos are playable again"?

How do you reconnect if it is already connected? USB what? Flash drive, external drive?

What are the specs to your setup?
It's a flashdrive, connected to the PC, and by not being used I mean I'm not doing anything to the files inside. I reconnect it by physically plugging out and in
What specs you want? i5-9600KF
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