Views on upgrade.


Oct 25, 2015
Hi all

My main concern is gaming.I have 2 systems,my current one has core i7 920 with 2 gtx 285 and the other is a simple hp microtower with a pentium g3250 with intelhd.With both of my systems gaming isnt ideal because gtx 285 doesnt support dx11 and intelhd isnt great at all.

So i need a new gpu,but this is not the case of my question.My main question is if worth it to sell cpu,mobo(core i7 and asus p6t deluxe) and use my pentium g3250 with a new card?Im thinking of a gtx 750ti or r7 265.Would this give me any good perfomance on gaming?

sorry if my text is confusing:pt1cable:


You already can play 1080 games at medium or better settings. Just save your money and wait for a nice GPU. It doesn't make sense to short change yourself by selling good hardware to buy a new GPU to put in a weaker system than the one you sold.
Stick with the i7 system and upgrade the GPU on it. The 45nm Nehalem i7's like yours (and mine) are still very much a viable option with today's titles. Unless you're planning on buying a GTX980Ti or up, there shouldn't be much of any bottleneck at the CPU. Your CPU is also a solid chip for overclocking.
Thanks for the answer,the ideal for me is what you say,to just buy a new gpu,but i cant afford any upgrade so selling on of the 2 systems is the only way,core i7 is easier to be sold and so i though sell it and add a new gpu to pentium g,it sounds like a downgrade but will i be able to play game on 720p or 1080p medium settings?

The 2 cores of the pentium G give tremendous performance especially when overclocked but it bottlenecks in games which require 4 cores. i3s are able to keep up somewhat due to hyperthreading. So I'd say sell both i7 and pentium but keep the pentium's board and upgrade to a 4th gen i5 or i3 with gtx 950. Should give you great performance at 1080p

You already can play 1080 games at medium or better settings. Just save your money and wait for a nice GPU. It doesn't make sense to short change yourself by selling good hardware to buy a new GPU to put in a weaker system than the one you sold.