Yep, I would like to continue with a Win7 Tablet, I like my current one, and see no need to be limited to a lesser OS. Having the option for both Android and Win7 would give me the best of both worlds, stripped down OS for surfing and media viewing on the go or on the couch, and then the full blown desktop OS when I need to do real work on the fly.
I own a ipad 3g for month. and spent 300 dollar extra more at appstore. it just kept me spenting more money to find out what maybe good at ipad. but all junks. I still couldn't find me a good purpose of using it. maybe I should give this viewsonic pad a try. since I m always a windows lover.
I want to get a good tabletpc for ereading, and for what Ive seen, viewsonic hdtvs dont look all that good. If the price is good Ill get the big one for sure, also depends on the screen quality.
Also I havent heard about the marvell moby tablet in ages, wheres that been. You know, the $99 tablet with, full hd, windows 7, and 10 inches of glory...
Something tells me that people will just end up using Windows 7 all the time. Especially since on that side you would have Office. Though I wonder how Win 7 would hold up as a multi-touch OS.