Villain yellow banner message: a website is slowing you down

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Mar 28, 2018
How can I get rid of it. I am experiencing an invasive Yellow banner with a red icon on the left side. Banners pops up rapidly blocking navigation and viewing of websites. The banner is Usually very aggressive, There is an icon on the left side of the banner and this message is written on it: a website is slowing you down what do you want me to do? The options offered to me are stop or continue,. Actually, it does not respond to either answer. The X does not close the banner. Previously the bannered stopped all navigation or bounce the website repeatedly to provoke a response from the user. I learned to enlarge the screen recently and the banner seem immobilized. At present it seem to quickly hide but it invades often. The presence is visible when it loads into the sites, it freezes firefox. However, I do not know what it's real mission is. How can I destroy it or them? Thank you for your help.
Thank you Wolf Shadow and Why Wolf:

These are the products that I have used: SpyBot free version, Malwarebytes, and Norton. I have contacted Norton no results. MSN Windows who performed a clean installation. The only lapse in the attacks were after the clean installation of Windows 10. After a few months "it" returned. This has been a long term problem more than a year. Web browser FireFox. Baze
Apparently, the yellow banner could not function when I enlarged the screen. The browser freezes and a visual white frame appears over the browser when the banner tries to load. When the banner is visible I enlarge the screen and it no longer interrupts my navigations. However, that does not resolve the nuisance that could possibly have other functions. It always returns.
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