Detecting a disk and its contents is one thing, did you actually make boot discs? More then just putting the files on the discs.
Needs to be able to load essential drivers for the system and include ATAPI drivers for the optical drive if you then want to boot from CD. You may also need to load the disk controller drivers depending on what you are doing. 2000
Minimum NT 4.0 version
NT40 2.00 Build 15
for the raid driver
Also this to make a quick and easy bootable disk if you have access to Win98/Dos:
to create setup boot disks do this:
To create a set of setup boot disks for Windows NT 4.0, you will need three 3.5" floppy disks and the Windows NT 4.0 CD.
Insert the Windows NT CD into the CD-ROM drive.
From the MS-DOS or DOS window, move to the CD-ROM drive by entering the drive letter followed by a colon (usually d: or e: ).
Change to the bootdisk directory by entering:
cd \i386
Enter the following command:
winnt32 /ox
The program should run and prompt you to insert your floppy diskettes for creating the set.
Plenty of guides out there that are more thorough, just look around.