Vision Notebook NB588

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Jan 11, 2014
Hello TomsHardware, i have an 3-4 years old Vision NB588.
The problem is my keyobard is broken in it (DARN!)
So i need to order a new one, and i have found a keyboard!
Only thing i need to know if anyone can help me change it, f.x pictures of a video!
But i only can find a link from Denmark.
I don't know if it's selling in other countries!
I hope anyone can take time to help me so i can do this right and don't break anything! 🙂
Your probably out of luck with that request. Vision Notebook NB588 is not a very well known laptop make and so is not very popular and thus finding 'How to' Video's etc is going to be hard.

Your best bet is to search youtube for keyboard replacements vids and try and find one similar to yours. I would be able to change it myself if you are located in Hampshire?

No, i haven't orderd a new keyboard yet..
Think i'm going to buy a $ 12 usb keyboard :)
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